I was interviewed for the news at TV2 Østjylland. It was aired August 29: Nyheder | TV2 Østjylland (tv2ostjylland.dk).
The story is about a boy with muscle atrophy who wanted to change school, and the municipality did not want to pay for his transport to this school. A local wealthy owner of a private company therefore chose to pay for the transport.
The question, then, was whether such experiences with the public service – or the lack of it – can affect citizens’ expectations about public services? And further, if disappointed expectations can lead to dissatisfaction and less support for the public services.
My answer is that such a response is likely, and that less support for the welfare state can be a result. But it is not a given. Citizens are also voters, and they could respond to disappointed expectations in two different ways: by supporting parties critical of the welfare state and taxes, or by supporting parties that want to expand the welfare state.