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- Andersen, Simon Calmar & Morten Hjortskov (2024): ‘Lexicographic Preferences in Candidate Choice. How Party Affiliation Dominates Gender and Race’. First view at British Journal of Political Science
- Peter Rasmussen Damgaard, Morten Hjortskov og Jakob Majlund Holm (2024): ‘Borgernes til- og fravalg af daginstitutioner – et conjoint eksperiment’, Politica, 56 (1): 39-60
- Wouter Van Dooren, Morten Hjortskov, Steven De Vadder & Koen Verhoest (2024): ’The Consistency of Question-order Bias in a Changing Political Context – Trust and Effectiveness Perceptions in Six Large-N Surveys’. Public Administration, 102 (2): 349-369
- Hjortskov, Morten, Christian Bøtcher Jacobsen and Anne Mette Kjeldsen (2023): ‘Choir of Believers? Experimental and longitudinal evidence on survey participation, response bias, and public service motivation’, International Public Management Journal, 26 (2): 281-304.
- Hjortskov, Morten, Simon Zacher Kjeldsen & Emil Sydendal Hansen (2022): ‘Receiving and engaging: can a simple ICT delivered government message change citizen health behavior? A field experiment’, Public Management Review, 23(6), pp. 657-677
- Hjortskov, Morten (2021): ‘Personality Traits in Citizen Expectations’, Journal of Behavioral Public Administration, 4(1): 1-19
- Thau, Mads, Maria F. Mikkelsen, Mogens J. Pedersen & Morten Hjortskov (2021): ‘Question Order Bias Revisited: A Split‐Ballot Experiment on Satisfaction with Public Services among Experienced and Professional Users’, Public Administration, 99(1): 189-204
- Hjortskov, Morten (2020): ‘Interpreting Expectations – Citizens’ Predictive and Normative Expectations and Their Interpretations of Them’ – Journal of Behavioral Public Administration, 3(1): 1-11
- Andersen, Simon & Morten Hjortskov (2019): ‘The Unnoticed Influence of Peers on Educational Preferences’, Behavioral Public Policy, 6(4): 530-553
- Hjortskov, Morten (2019): ‘Citizen Expectations and Satisfaction Over Time: Findings from a Large Sample Panel Survey of Public School Parents in Denmark’ – American Review of Public Administration, 49(3): 353-371
- Hjortskov, Morten, Simon C. Andersen & Morten Jakobsen (2018): ‘Encouraging Political Voices of Underrepresented Citizens through Coproduction’ – American Journal of Political Science, 62(3): 597-609
- Hjortskov, Morten (2018b): ‘Borgernes tilfredshed med offentlig service – et spørgsmål om kvalitet og forventninger?’ – Politica, 50(3): 326-344
- Hjortskov, Morten (2017): ’Priming and Context Effects in Citizen Satisfaction Surveys’ – Public Administration, 95(4): 912-926
- Andersen, Simon C. & Morten Hjortskov (2016):’ Cognitive Biases in Performance Evaluations’ – Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 26(4): 647-662
- Hjortskov, Morten (2016): ‘Citizen Satisfaction: Political Voice and Cognitive Biases’, Politicas Ph.d. serie (dissertation)